
5. Looked for different solutions as the situation evolved. 根据情况变化来决定不同的解决方案。 6.Considered alternative solutions as the situation evolved. 根据情况的变化考...

In today's world facing a mixture of challenges, including a lingering pandemic, deteriorating global divide and geopolitical tensions, Xi's words have been encouraging people from different civilizations to work together to find a way out and buil...

In the modern world of social media, photo-sharing and celebrity, sharing an image of an executed murder plotter from the 19th century may sound like a strange thing to do,...

3. A horse of another color/a horse of a different color 另当别论,完全另外一回事 Taking the exam is one thing but passing it is a horse of a different color. 参加考试是一回...

17. A) The woman needs a temporary replacement for her assistant. B) The man works in the same department as the woman does. C) The woman will have to stay in hospital for a few days. D) The man is capable of dealing with difficult people...

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